Sunday, March 18, 2007

Do you know how to present your case?

Session 9

Part 2
Case presentations

The most important aspect of a case presentation is your target audience. Your style, your demeanor all need to compliment your listeners’ hopes .you need to give them what they want to hear.

Having said that, say you are the CEO of a company your opening needs to be extremely powerful and commanding and should be able to relate to them a brief descriptions of what you want. Writing and rehearsing some of your ideas will always assist you in your presentations.
Your primary presentation should highlight what you hope to achieve and pertinent reasons supporting these ideas. This target then becomes the key focus of the presentation.
We should always present a context for our decisions for instance the incentives for our stakeholders. A SWOT analysis is recommended and will strengthen your clause.

Justification of our decisions is always a must. Who will take the decisions and what is the process of the decision taking. Being prepared to defend your stance is also important.

Finally a well rehearsed closing that will gather popularity rather than impose authority is required and will win us those last brownie points that could very well be the icing on the cake and get our decision passed if we are the CEO or maybe win us the competition !(if we are in one)

So we see that an analysis may be exemplary but unless it is sold well you are no better than having no analysis at all. Market your idea well and gain support .Deliver your analysis in a creative and appealing fashion. Manipulative I agree but if you want to stay in the game that’s the only way to take!

1 comment:

cellprof said...

There's a dynamic way to view this- as analysis is ALWAYS grounded from a specific perspective and matching set of assumptions, there can be no one correct result. The presentation must not only inform the decision-maker, but set the recommendation in a contextual framework that signals the need for a shift in direction if the situation changes.